S# Audit Area CheckList Item
1 Exception Handling plan for unexpected execution paths and Catch exceptions
2 Definsive programming Use validation for operation inputs  to prevent exceptions
3 Validate objects for Null, empty, Status, and readiness for usage before using it, Design By contract methodology
4 Validate data on both Client and server side, it called double check
5 Create Contract Checks for precondiitions using Code Contracts libranry
6 Create Contract Checks for postcondiitions  using Code Contracts libranry
7 Create Contract Checks for invariants  using Code Contracts libranry
8 Compiler Make sure that there shouldn't be any project warnings.
9 Check Inputs Check for negative and positive values according to your needs
10 Check for null objects before usage
11 Check for function inputs validity before execution, Like null values  and status 
12 References Check for connection status before usage for main components, like:
• Component
• DB
• WS
13 UI Validation Control Input values fom your UI, for example range values for integer, datetime, and updown controls
14 Control Input values fom your UI,
for example
1. Mandatory fields that must have values
2. Add default values for most common attributes