S# Audit Area CheckList Item Valid for
Technology type
Valid for
Technology type
1 Login Information Login information should be in the top right area considering the following:
1. User Name
2. Password
3. Remember Me
4. Register
All Business
2 Application Info Company Logo: Should be represented on the top left area and include the company name and application name All Business
3 Copy Rights: Should be represented in the bottom centered area of the area All Business
4 Hotline: Should be represented on the top right under the login information All Business
5 Shopping Cart: Should be represented on the top right under the login information All Business
6 Menu Items Menu items classifications should be built upon the sequence of business call All Business
7 Each Menu Item should have unique name per group All Business
Edu-Competetion Menu items should be grouped in related groups All Business
9 Menu Items should have separator between sub groups All Business
10 Enable Shortcuts for fast access All Business
11 Menu Items supports sub menus upon business needs All Business
12 Screens Each screen should have a clear and unique name for it's functionality group All Business
  Writing/controls direction should match localizations All  
13 Lookup screens should be represented in modal model All Business
14 Controls Allowed Controls for use are those selected in UX document All Business
15 fields depends on each other is ordered All Business
16 We have the following controls attributes:
1. Unique
2. Must
3. Optional
4. Locked
5.AlwaysLocked: dimmed      
6. Searchable: underlined
All Business
17 System should inform user the following:
1. Control Attribute
2. Control Help String
3. Is Control is focused
All Business
18 Process function buttons should be in:
1. reachable
2. In clear position
3. Larger More than other functions
4. Add Shortcuts for fast access
All Business
19 Daynamic filter for each column Web Business
20 easy navigation by scroll in screen, mouse, and arrows All Business
21 collapse pannels Web Business
22 Default Functionality:
Support following features:
1. Select fields to be displayed
2. Order.
3. Export
4. Filter
5. Copy to excel
Web Business
23 list view supports RTL and KB navigation Web Business
24 system supported by location maps  Web Business
25 buttons are colored with different degrees for basic buttons, disabled buttons, and buttons with images  Web Business
26 Images supports Zoom by mouse scroll and zoom indicatior in screen Web Business
27 layout supported by scroll view Web Business
28 system support slider Web Business
29 switch buttons in settings instead of normal yes/no radio button Web Business
30 comboboxes support:Filtering
Web Business
31 User Notifications Web Business
32 loading indicator when data is loading. Web Business
33 status bar of process. Web Business
34 feedback hint after process is completed. Web Business
35 Data Entry Minmum number of clicks to finalize scenario, by setting the following:
1. Defaut values
2. Jump over the locked and alwayslocked fields.
3. Derive calculated values automatically.
4. Additional functions to fill data automatically, like fill all fields by a specific value, or getting them from another TXN reference
All Business
  Multi line data should be represented in grid with sort and filter features All Business
  Review transactions workflow and keep it minimum All Business
  Adding default values for attributes in order to reduce data entry All Business
  Error prevention:
reduce data entry errors user will encounter
All Business
36 Prevent Entry for calculated fields All Business
37 Do not let user to select or enter values that will be rejected later All Business
38 Passing through fields using tab or enter buttons    
39 Display System views should be responsive

All Business
  Define different ways of achieving goals and reach to UI elements All Business
40 define user preferences,colors, setting in setting screen All Business
  Define colors:
1- Primary from 2-3 colors
2-Complementary from 2-3 colors
3-Color contrst
4- Color vibrancy: the complete of the cycle
5-Consider UX_Color mapping
41 all screens should have the same color schema, to enhance learnability by consistency All Business
42 Data Processing Display progress bar or hour glass while executing the process All Business
43 Notify User to confirm action before running All Business
44 Notify User By action results after running, for example:
1. Affected Records
2. Next Step or state
3. What you have done in the executed process
All Business
  Screen requests should work asynchrounousy, so do not refresh the screen with each request All Business
45 Refersh content if needed after process execution All Business
46 Messages Messages types are                                                                     1. Warning Message
     2. Error message
     3. Information message
    4. Confirmation message
    5. Help to the functionality
All Business
47 Localization Simple words and Statements, not technical terms All Business
48 Review againest dictionary All Business
49 Date Formats All Business
50 Language All Business
51 spelling rules All Business
52 Sorting All Business
53 Help System Should have over all help for UI and functionality All Business
54 Screen Should have help for UI and functionality All Business
55 Field Should have help string functionality and source filters if found All Business
56 Objects All well known Objects with well known image should represent the related image or icon, like branch and employee All Business
57 Object should have only the attributes that define characteristics, no more
For Example: no need for comment 2, comment 3
All Business
58 All well known attribute with well known image should represent the related image or icon, like tel,fax and mail address All Business
59 Search Enable linguistics rules All Business
60 handling user search mistakes All Business
61 Social media Enable social media integration functionality for valid objects All Business
62 content Should be gaphical based All Business
    use Layer-cake pattern instead of F-Pattern in content reading All Business
63   Enable Paging for lists All Business
65   1. Align buyer personas to reader personas All Business
66   2. Make sure the journey makes sense from every angle All Business
67   4. Make wireframing effortless with a flawless inventory list All Business
68   5. Ensure all UI elements are authentic and accessible. All Business
69   8. Ensure your font and color hierarchy is on brand All Business
70   Ensure responsive min 3 sec to prevent un-installs All Business
71   Add micro interactions to your solution (Try to provide feedback to your user at every small part of the journey) All Business
72   No more than three primary colors All Business
73   Visual hierarchy directs the user to the required action All Business
74   Items on top of the visual hierarchy are the most important All Business
75   Primary action is visually distinct from secondary actions All Business
76   Navigation is consistent All Business
77   Room for growth All Business
78   Fonts used for text content are at least 12px in size All Business
79   Reserve uppercase words for labels, headers, or acronyms All Business
80   Progress indicator for multi -step workflows All Business
81   Stick To Just Two Font Families All Business
82   Group Related Items Together All Business
83   Design The Layout For Eye Scanning All Business