Color Western Eastern Middle Eastern
Red passion,excitement.
,danger, love, excitement, and power,negative connotation when.
happiness, joy, and celebration; and as such it is often worn by brides on their wedding day because it is thought to bring good luck and happiness.  red represents danger and caution. Some also consider it the color of evil.
Orange color of harvest and autumn. Traditionally, in the United States orange signifies the fall season beginning in September through to Halloween and then Thanksgiving in late November. Indian cultures consider orange a sacred color while in Japan, orange symbolizes courage and love. mourning and loss.
Yellow associated with warmth, summer, and hospitality. Oddly enough, in Germany, yellow is associated with envy whereas most of the rest of the world associates this feeling with the color green. In Eastern and Asian cultures, yellow is not only considered sacred but imperial as well. In India, it symbolizes commerce. Contrary to that, in Latin America and Egypt, yellow is associated with death and mourning. The rest of the Middle Eastern cultures view yellow as the color of happiness and prosperity.
Blue bank logos because it represents trust and authority. It’s also associated with the birth of baby boys and considered to be calming, soothing, and peaceful. In a negative context, it represents sadness and depression. In Eastern and Asian cultures, blue is associated  with immortality and strength. Contrary to the western world, blue is a feminine color in China. In Latin America, blue is often associated with religion due to the high presence of the Catholic church.
safe and protecting as it is the color associated with Heaven, spirituality, and immortality.
Green the color of the Irish and luck, green also refers to nature, the environment, the protection of environmental causes, and progress. In a negative context green symbolizes envy or jealousy. In Eastern and Asian cultures, green is the color of nature, fertility, and youth. However, it’s also associated with infidelity and exorcism. In Latin America green is the color of death.
 represents strength, fertility, luck, and wealth and is most commonly associated with Islam.
Purple as well as most Eastern and Asian cultures, purple is the color of royalty and is associated with wealth and fame. On the other hand, Latin America and Thailand see purple as the color of  mourning and death. The Middle East sees purple as symbolic for wealth.
Pink pink is the color of femininity and signifies the birth of a daughter. It also represents sweetness, childhood, or fun. In Eastern and Asian cultures, pink is also considered feminine where it also signifies marriage. The exception is China which, as stated above, sees blue as the feminine color. In Latin America, pink is often used as a color for buildings, while the Middle East doesn’t tie pink with anything in particular.
Brown Western cultures associate brown with the earth but also health or even barrenness. Brown is stable, dependable, and wholesome. In Eastern and Asian cultures brown is the color of mourning while in Latin America brown discourages sales and is generally considered disapproving. Middle Eastern cultures associate brown with the earth and comfort.
Black The Western world sees black as the color of finality, death, formality, and mourning, as well as the color of control and force. In eastern and Asian cultures, black represents masculinity and is the color for boys in China. It also symbolizes wealth, health, and prosperity, while in Thailand and Tibet, black is most closely associated with evil. Like in the East, Latin America associates this color with masculinity and mourning.
black to symbolize both rebirth and mourning.
White color of purity and peace. associated with weddings, hospitals, and holiness. funerals and represents sterility, mourning, unhappiness, and misfortune. In Latin America, white has many of the same associations as in North America and is connected to purity and peace.