S# Non-Functional requirement Description Implementation guidelines
1 Accessability Design the solution for people with disabilities Voice commands
Voice instructions
Touch narration
Tracing objects
Consider Low Physical Effort
Use Perceptible Information
Dynamic reconfiguration
Self organizing
Self protecting
2 Usability   Minimum effort to do things
Screen layout, reports, security
Advanced Search and user defined filters
Multi Device inputs
Personalization options
Display Help Message to guide users
Minimize Data Entry and actions
Online Help
Multiple calendars (Gregorian and Hijri)
Minmize data entry
User defined fonts
Feedback to user, do not let him without feedbacks of actions and processes with diffrerent methods,Messages, and mails
Enable Default Values
Standardzation of :
Pre-defined attributes like Creation date, Created By, Modification Date, Modified by
Pre-defined Tabs, like attachements
All transactions should have approvals levels, like workflow
Logging and Tracability for all records
Logging and Tracability for sensitive data
Spelling checkers
Dated Content
Layout standardization
Decompose screens to organized regions
2 Adaptability Abiity to change behavior according to the change of the environment,
 it's a level f autonomous software, that may use AI models
Configurable software business rules
Configurable software enabled features
Confgurable BE and base URL
Grid Computing
Responsive design
Develop observer
Develop planner
3 Auditability Ability to track user interaction with the solution over time series Logging setting
Logging database
4 Availabiity Ability to still active to serve, and mean time to failure Use latest valid request response to build your model
Over time, and connectivity
Web and mobile development for online solutions
Load balancing
Defensive programming
1. Use multiple data centers and end points, node, and grouping by additional data center, so synchronization and replication are required.
2. Route behavior to different node when failure occurs.
Allow logging procedures for actions and exceptions in order to simulate the case with facility to enable and disable.
5 Reliability Mean time to repair Enhance of source code maintainability
Component based architecture
6 Effeciency Expected output that meet objectives Consists of all other quality attributes
7 Backup Facilitating automatic backup for the solution databases Backup procedures
Retntion procedures
Disaster recvery procedures
8 Durability and operabiity Ability to remain working Code cleaning
Releasing resources when not in use
Caching models
Healthy checker automation
9 Fault tolerance Ability to still work even with error in some areas Component based architecture
Use cases alternative scenarios detections
Use cases exceptions cases
Exception handling planning per exception type
Defensive programming
10 Performance Solution response time per process Code cleaning
Releasing resources when not in use
Caching models
TAP and Multi threading
Ajax calls
Service expected duration againest actual
11 Quality Faults of solution process and data Data integrity models
Relational databases concepts
Staging quality servers
Manual and automed testing procedures
Using logical objects instead of physical
12 Safety Being protected of non-desirable outcomes Content security
Process security
Encryption techniques
OWASP guidelines
13 Scalability Abiity to handle the grow of:
1- Users
2- Customers
3- Features
4- Data volution
5- Technology
Forecasting Reports
Reporting Generation Manager
User defined functionality
Load balancing
suitable database types
Grid computing
Standalone applications
Integration models
Metadata management
International standards for :
laws-localization-business rules-currencies-usability ux- timezone calendar
Facilitate importing from dfferent media
Facilite export to different media
Facilitate undo actions
Maximize Policies using BRM repository
14 Internationalization Ability to meet different cultures needs Multi-Currency