Information systems


Document Revision and History

Document Purpose

Setting the engineering policies that guides the implementation of processes and work products generation

Generation Date

1 Feb 2014

Modification Date

September 2, 2015

Generated By

G.Ghoniem Abdel Azim,DM

Update By

G.Ghoniem Abdel Azim,DM



Abbreviations. 3

Scope of the document. 4

Mission Statement. 4

Vision Statement. 5

Values. 5

PLC1.                        Policies policy. 5

PLC2.                        Tools for the organization. 5

PLC3.                        Organization structure. 6

a.     Organization chart. 6

b.     Development Team virtual organization. 6

PLC4.                        Roles and responsibilities VS function. 7

PLC5.                        Proposals process. 7

PLC6.                        Requirement Gathering process. 8

PLC7.                        Solution architecture and implementation process. 8

PLC8.                        Configuration management policies. 9

1.       CCB Definition. 9

2.       Scope. 9

3.       REPO.. 9

4.       Version Management. 10

a. Version# definition. 10

b. Versions types. 10

PLC9.  Project planning. 11

1. Guidelines. 11

2.  Agile process. 11

3. Main Planning activities. 12

4. Task Priorities guidelines. 13

5. Done criteria for the tasks. 13

6. Issue type definition. 14

6.      Bug Severity setting. 15

PLC10.                  Project tracking policy. 16

1.       Iteration Inputs: 16

2.       QC Involvement: 16

3.       Evaluate iteration. 16

4.       Follow-up Meetings: 16

5.       DM Involvement: 17

6.       Tracking method: 17

7.       Board guidelines: 17

PLC11.                  Software quality control policy. 17

PLC12.                  Software quality assurance policy. 18

PLC13.                  Communication policy. 18

PLC14.                  KPI’s. 20

1.     Project KPI 20

2.     Resource KPI 20

3.      Units KPI 21

PLC15.                  Facilities. 22

PLC16.                  New Comers Policy. 22

a.      Development section. 22

b.     Quality control section. 23








Business validation rules



Business to customer.



Change Control board, means the responsible committee for taking decision.






Development manager



Human resources





New Comers

New employee in development team



Process improvement



Quality Assurance



Quality control



Root cause analysis



Team Leader



Repository: The container of set of work products.


1.       source safe : the repository for source code

2.       Trello : the repository for tasks

3.       Tracking system: the repository for issues (Bugs & REQs)

Scope of the document

This document is to cover all organization policies that direct the organization processes and procedures execution.

Mission Statement

Providing business solutions for the SME covering the retail, hospitality and all ERP modules that meet the latest technology.

Vision Statement

Being one of the market automated integrated solution providers, built upon desktop, web and mobile technologies and platforms.


1.       Innovation: for both methodologies and products

2.       Integrity: between methodologies and teams

3.       Quality

4.       Agility

5.       Team play


1.       Quality is every one job, so everyone should provide high quality output to save others effort and prevent rework

2.       spread positive energy, so report negatives directly ,instead of spreading negative energy

3.       Respect is independent than your role in the organization, so respect all team members cause it is the key for success

4.       Be professional, not emotional, so you should focus on objectives and be quantitative.

5.       Decisions and point of views are built upon facts, not narratives.

6.       Keeping focused not only save your time, but also save others, wasting time is not allowed.

7.       Escalation to higher level of management is respected after communication with direct management level, and needs arise for higher level of management involvement is required

PLC1.                        Policies policy

1.       Policy is the reference to guide the engineering process

2.       Policy CCB consists of:

a.       Development manager

b.       Team Leaders

3.       The organization values is the guide to develop and update the policies

4.       Violation of the policies is not permitted without policies CCB approval

5.       Policies are subject to change and improvements

6.       Institutionalization of the policies should take place after each modification

7.       All Development units should focus on the usage of automated tools in order to save time and effort for process and procedures standards


PLC2.                        Tools for the organization







Used for modelling the business requirements, analysis, and solution architecture.



.Net 2013

.Net 2015

Used for developing desktop, and web applications

\\\Source\Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 en-US x86 Nov8-2013

\\\Source\visual studio 2015 enterprise iso serial keys fullstuff


SQL-Server 2012

Used as a content media for the database layer

\\\Source\SQL Server 2012


TFS for projects

Task management and reporting tool













Internal Projects:-


External Projects:-




Visual source safe, configuration management tool for saving source code versions.

Embedded in TFS



Task Management Portal



Software Management tool



PLC3.                        Organization structure

a.     Organization chart

PLC4.                        Roles and responsibilities VS function




Organization Role

Agile Role



Requirement management


Product Owner

Collection and Representation of customer requirements, then analyze them


Technology Selection


Scrum Master

Select suitable technology for implementing solution(s)


Architecture and design


Scrum Master

Define main solution components and relationship between them



Development team

Development team

Transform logical design to physical design elements and building blocks 


Quality control

QC Team

QC Team

Assure software quality against predefined standards and scope.


Quality Assurance



DM, TL acts till building up the process and remove current overheads.


Process improvement



Virtual team.

All team members share in process building.


GFX (Graphic Design)

Web Graphic Designers

Web Graphic Designers

 Design the graphical representation to be displayed in the solution


PLC5.                        Proposals process

1.       Presales or implementation team should write the proposal in user stories format in order to clarify the scope for estimators

2.       Product Owner [TL] should be assigned for the proposal

3.       There are 2 ways of planning the project:

a.       Agile

1.       A team should be grouped in order to estimate the project

2.       Proposal estimation should be occurred using Story point, considering the predefined reference point[1]

3.       Poker technique is the effort estimation method[2]

4.       Presales team should take the responsibility for generating the user stories

5.       Both Reference points and team velocity should be identified in order to estimate both effort and schedule

b.      Traditional way:

1.       Estimation sheet should be prepared per feature

2.       Estimation from each team should be gathered

4.       Selection of the estimation methodology should be identified according to the team availability and time frame

5.       Estimation should be reviewed from both TL and DM

PLC6.                        Requirement Gathering process

1.       User stories should be an input to requirements gathering phase and subject to change by the analyst role

2.       No dependency on Emails to be considered as source of requirements, so requirements documents should be updated by approved communication channels requirements

3.       Scrum master [TL] should arrange elicitation meeting schedule with the client

4.       TL should act the analysis role with the client in requirements phase

5.       TL should act the architect role with the client in integration phase

6.       The UI team should attend the requirements gathering meeting

7.       UI should follow the UX patterns for each platform according to the usability checklist.

8.       Acceptance test should take place in requirements gathering phase

9.       TL is responsible for resolving the conflicts between teams in UX, GFX and requirements

10.   Escalation can take place to top management (DM) in order to resolve conflicts

11.   Localization document should be ready for all platforms in order to clarify the following:

o   Captions

o   All Messages

PLC7.                        Solution architecture and implementation process

1.       Business analysis models (Use case model, use cases, activity diagram) should take place in solution design document

2.       Absence of the analysis models is subject to prevent the solution implementation

3.       Project technical facilitator should act as a reference point in proposed or required architecture in order to provide platforms consistencies

4.       Modifications to the base-lined architecture by the team should be approved from the platform TL

5.       The following measures should be subject to track in order to support teams and organization performance, and can be an evaluation factor for platform KPI:

1.       Reusable components used

2.       No. of developed reusable components

6.       System test cases preparation should take place in this phase

7.       Static models should take place in solution design document

8.       Interaction models should take place in solution design document

9.       Deployment models should take place in solution design document

10.   Integration document should be provided by the client with our latest integration document format

11.   Unit test activities should be conducted on the given integration methods (API or web services) using the given integration document specification

12.   Code review should take place by team lead to the selected areas of concerns.

13.   RCA should be conducted and corrective actions should take place in order to prevent such issues and increase team knowledge.

14.   Considering defensive programming in development in order to cover alternative business scenarios and exception handling even if not covered in use cases definition.

PLC8.       Configuration management policies

1.       CCB Definition

1.       Project CCB should be identified for each project

2.       Product CCB consists of:

1.       DM

2.       Technical team lead (Scrum Master)

3.       Product Owner or any of customer representatives

4.     CC (Configuration controller)

2.    Change request Scope

1.       Requirements scope should be clear [written in user stories format] in order to evaluate the change request within the higher level scope or not.

2. Evaluation of the change request to identify effected work products

3. functional and physical audits should take place.

3.       REPO

1.       For internal projects, DM or TL can be the product owner, so he can do the same PM and CM responsibilities.

2.       CM representative generates the REPO [Trello Board or TFS, as process] according to REPO Standard

3.       Access should be given to the team members throw only the CM representative

4.       CM representative should conduct functional and physical audit each iteration

5.       Identification of configurable items should take place within the project, and plan for readiness in its correct time, and use it as a base for the project.

6.       Change request approval should take place by project CCB

7.       All team members should submit the work every day in order to prevent work loss.

8.       CM representative should backup the CM TOOL periodically in order to prevent organization assets loss

9.       Version labels should be generated in the following cases:

1.       for each iteration and solution delivery

2.       in critical modifications for the solutions, like refactoring or replacement of the components or classes.

10.   CM TOOL commit should include comments for submission

11.   Communication for the project work products should be kept only under configuration management environment

12.   CC is the responsible to distribute the work products between the producers and the consumers of the documents

13.   Only one version of the work products should be kept under the Configuration management tool in order to prevent confusion

14.   CC should check the existence of latest changes before building the solution in order to save both testing team and development team effort

15.  CM representative is responsible for continuous integration in order to keep software updated by latest scope and other changes.


4.       Version Management

A. Version No. definition










64.1, 64.2 ,64.3





64, 65, 66


-          The internal is beta versions not to be communicated with the client

-          Beta version will be issues each iteration independent of the completeness of the scope.

-          Version is issued from development team to QC team only according to the iteration time-box.

-          Release note is issued with the released version of what be done on the iteration release.

-          QC scope for the iteration is to

o   confirm that mentioned issues in the sheet is covered

o   confirm that the system does not be affected in different areas

-          QC is the release issuer to real version issuer to CS with the final update of what actually be done in the release note.

b. Versions types







Internal version for testing purposes only.

-Not to be communicated with the client.

-Not to be issued if:

·         Screen does not open, save, edit and delete

·         Client Life cycle process does not complete



To be communicated with the client

-Not to be issued if:

·         Screen does not open, save, edit and delete

·         Client Life cycle process does not complete


Service back

1.       For show stoppers or sales needs issues.

2.       Comes throw Support unit manager.

3.       Maximum No. of service backs for release is 3 service backs.

4.       Service back effort will replace another batch of issues will the same equal effort.

-Not to be issued if:

·         Screen does not open, save, edit and delete

·         Client Life cycle process does not complete


PLC9.  Project planning

1. Guidelines

1.       User stories should be prepared by Pre-Sales team or implementation team

2.       Effort [Re] estimation should be done using user stories and poker technique

3.       Software lifecycle is iterative time-boxed model

4.       Product owner and scrum master should be identified for each the project

5.       Project planning should be based on 6 hours work estimation

6.      The difference between planning calculation base and total working hours is related to direct manager responsibility in order to communicate and facilitate function issues

7.       Effort estimation should contain all activities within the project (UX-GFX-ANS-ARCH-DESIGN-QC-QA)

8.       Assumptions should be given to the proposal in case on non-clear requirements

9.     Iteration time box will be as follow:

1.       One week for projects less than 2 months

2.       Two weeks for projects more that the given time box

11.   Project tasks should be prioritized by the product owner and the customer using task dependencies between project resources.

12.   Project tasks should be sliced by development team according to customer perspective

13.   Iteration stories should be unified across all platforms in order to increase support in between both development teams and QC team

14.   Plan should be sent to relevant stakeholders in order to define the work scope for each iteration, for example QC should know the iteration scope in order to focus on

15.   Project calendar should be settled including (employees VAC days and public holidays)

16.   Rework% ranges can support the risk management effort estimation margin

17.   Reusability cost% and saving% should be calculated in order to support the management for price negations, scope risk management and competition


2.  Agile process

Release 1

Release 2

Release 3













-          Each release time box is 2 months, and the iteration is 2 weeks

-          Release planning will take place 2 weeks before the release start in order to do the following:

o   Select issues from issues backlog according to the team power

o   Setting priority for the issues

o   Set iteration planning

-          Each release will contain four iteration

-          The first three iterations will be dedicated for the following activities

o   20% refactoring till finish, and then moved to development %.

o   60% development

§  25% of them requirements

§  75% of them for bugs

o   20% testing and rework

-          The fourth iteration will be dedicated to consolidation of the previous three iteration and issues closure.

-          After scope selection between the CCB, the development Rep and QC rep share in setting the user stories before the detailed analysis occurs.

-          A detailed analysis should be occurred and delivered to the QC team

-          Peer review process should be occurred between DEV and QC Rep.

-          Building test cases upon the delivered test cases should take place in parallel while development team is building the solution architecture.

-          Test cases should be delivered to development team before releasing the version to the QC team in order to consider the test cases alternative paths and exceptions.

-          Development team consider objective points before releasing.

-          Development team release the version to the QC team

-          QC team execute the test cases and report issues on the tracking system.

-          RCA for bugs should take place in order to prevent such issue

-          Development team allocate 20% of the iteration for resolving issues considering RCA.

3. Main Planning activities

1st Of the month

15th of the Month


Iteration planning

Iteration planning

Release planning

UML Models

Beta Version

Code Metrics

UML Models

Beta Version

Code Metrics

Final Release

Release note

Release RETRO

4. Task Priorities guidelines

Issue Type



1.       Client

2.       Bug Severity evaluated by Implementation team and DEV team


1.       Client

2.       Missing Requirements

3.       New client requirements

4.       Improvement requirements


1.       Client

2.       Contracted

3.       New trend

5. Done criteria for the tasks


Done Criteria Definition

Development Lead

1.       Task done according to the predefined process

2.       Code Handover occurred

3.       Code metrics are reviewed and all issues were resolved

4.       Internal Testing occurred

5.       Tested by the QC Team

6.       All Related issues were resolved

7.       Source Code Checked in

8.       All related documents and models are updated and checked in

9.       Update the status on Trello

Senior Developer

1.       Task done according to the predefined process

2.       Code metrics are reviewed and all issues were resolved

3.       Internal Testing occurred

4.       All Related issues were resolved

5.       Test all his deliveries before delivery to QC

6.       Source Code Checked in

7.       All related documents and models are updated and checked in

8.       Update the status on Trello

Junior Developer

1.       Task done according to the predefined process

2.       Internal Testing occurred

3.       All Related issues were resolved

4.       Source Code Checked in

5.       All related documents and models are updated and checked in

6.       Update the status on Trello

Senior QC

1.       Task done according to the predefined process

2.       Recording the issues on the tracking system

3.       Bugs reviewed and approved

4.       Tracking system report for the following:

a.       Approval Trend

b.       Updated Trend

c.       Postponed trend

d.       NMI Trend

e.       Non-Fixed Trend

5.       All related documents and models are updated and checked in

6.       Update the status on Trello

Junior QC

1.       Task done according to the predefined process

2.       Recording the issues on the tracking system

3.       All related documents Checked in

4.       All related documents and models are updated and checked in

5.       Update the status on Trello




6. Issue type definition




A general definition for features, requirements, and bugs.


A new added value group of requirements to be added to the solution.

Ex: Hijri support in software




A detailed execution instructions that belongs to main feature.

It needs analysis, architecture, detailed design, and implementation phases.


Main Feature: Issuing items from stores

Requirement: Check balance before issuing items from stores.


Un-matched result to the expected one.

Expected result is the agreed result from business, not the comparison with the old or equivalent products.

Neither missing features nor missing requirement do not have expected results, so it can’t be recorded as new bug.


7.Bug Severity setting







-          Unexpected Hang or crashes while execution

-          Blocking the client core process and reports execution

-          Incorrect calculation for transactions information

-          Incorrect calculation for reports  information

-          System does not save required contents

-          Security violation



-          All high issues with different way to execute it.

-          Inconsistency with BVR

-          Misleading messages for process status



-          Incorrect localization

-          Incorrect colors and display

-          Non descriptive messages and labels

-          UI Spelling mistakes


PLC10.    Project tracking policy

1.       Iteration Inputs:

1.       Iteration inputs should be ready before iteration start (Clear requirements, GFX, UI)

2.       Iteration (n) plan should take place on the closure of the iteration (n-1).

3.       Planning means:

1.       Who

2.       Do what

3.       When

4.       with what effort

5.       Definition for done criteria

6.       Obtain resources commitment on the assigned tasks.

2.       QC Involvement:

1.     Version should be sent the QC team at the end of the iteration by the updated actual scope by both TL and PM

2.     QC team should document the test cases for the current iteration at earlier stage

3.    QC Team run the setup over the client original client(s) database version, in order to detect missing DB structure updates in beta version

4.     In order to have updated quality status, Review for the old issues, and changing status to its relevant is one of the majors to be done.

5.     Testing for the previous iteration scope should be occurred with documenting for the issues under the tracking system.

6. Daily review the entered issues by other teams, like support team, in order to act proactive to the version

7. Update for the issue status as required, for Example if it needs additional clarification, QC Rep should update the status to NMI, and the same for each issue as required.

8. Update test case according to the findings in order to publish the changes between teams

3.       Evaluate iteration

In order to enhance team performance and reduce rework, the following measures should be calculated and analyzed for both internal and external delivery:

1.       Team velocity, the productivity of the team which leads to know the actual delivery date according to the performance

2.       Follow-up effort[1]

3.       Interruption: Interruption should be tracked within iteration in order to re-plan consideration

4.       Idle time

5.       Rework effort

6.       Task ownership


4.       Follow-up Meetings:

1.       Daily startup meeting should be conducted between development team and product owner in order to support and track the project performance, so that will increase platform consistency, project focus, reduce tracking time, and taking corrective actions early.

2.       Mid-day meeting: for confirming that all work is working under the correct track.

3.       Meetings scope clarifies the following:

·         What done

·         What in progress

·         What leaks the project performance?

4.       Raising issues should be performed in the suitable time in order to take corrective actions early from required resource(s)

5.       Lessons learnt should be documented incrementally within the project execution, and take process and procedures required changes and suitable project corrective actions.

6.       Technical issues feedback should be approved by the TL and PM before communicating with the client


5.       DM Involvement:

1.       Set suitable standards, and procedure for software development lifecycle

2.       Share in software analysis and architecture design

3.       Software Process improvement activities

4.       Utilizing new technologies and trends in current process and solutions

5.       Should support the TL’s in project technical issues

6.       Weekly meeting between Managers should be conducted in order to track the projects status and support its performance

7.       Action items should be sent to relevant stakeholders in order to behave towards

8.       Consolidated view should be sent to the operation director

9.       In delivery mode, no permissions, vacations, and leaving the office without both development manager and team leader approval.


6.       Tracking method:

1.       All projects should have a unified tracking method

2.       Agile workspace tracking is the DM and TL responsibility

3.       All issues should be controlled under tracking system

7.       Board guidelines:

1.       TL is the responsible for generating the backlog and moving it to the to-do list

2.       Project resources is responsible to get from the to-do list with the TL support

3.       No development task should be greater than 21 hrs

4.       No research task should be greater than 28 hrs

5.       Resources are not permitted to start 2 parallel tasks, or setting the under execution together.

6.       Junior level is authorized only for updating board cards detailed tasks status

7.        Junior level should be supported from higher level by selecting relative cards, and moving the card to the next status


8.       Follow-up intervals:


















PLC11.   Software quality control policy

A.     Inputs

·         Release notes [Automatically generated from Tracking System]

·         EA Models

·         Impact analysis document

B.     Scoping

A.      A clear scope should be sent to the QC section in order to restrict bugs for the given scope and have accurate Rework% over the scope, so QC team will not depend on planned iteration scope.

B.      Peer Review should be done by the technical team lead before delivering solution to QC

C.     Preparation Process

Use cases should be sent to the QC team in order to:

A.      Detect missing scenarios (Main or alternatives)

B.      Detect expected exceptions

C.      Generate test cases focusing on:

                     i.            Pre-conditions

                   ii.            Scenarios

                  iii.            Exceptions

D.      Test cases should be generated incrementally upon use cases according to the planned iterations

D.    Execution

A.      QC lead should review the testing result before delivering it to the development team

B.      Rework% should be analyzed and resolve root causes strategically

C.      A consolidated review meeting should be occurred between all platforms development teams and QC team in order to assure consistency between platforms.

D.      Issues lifecycle till closure

A.      Recorded issues will be in draft status if needed to a higher level of review, otherwise approved status

B.      Development team looks only for approved status

C.      After finding issue and resolving it, development team should change the status to be completed

D.      A new version will be delivered to the QC team

E.       QC team retest the version after resolving the issues and close all resolved issues

F.       No transfer for bug status from Approved to neither cancelled [Not found] nor suspended without backing to QC team to get their feedback

G.     No transfer for bug status from Completed to Approved [still found] without backing to development team to get their feedback

H.      A higher level of management should be involved if issue will be suspended.

I.        Any conflict of issues understanding should be raised to higher level for concluding, and set consensus for understanding.

J.        Revision for suspended issues should take place each iteration in order to finalize them.

E.     Regression

A.      Isolate issues in separate data if applicable

B.      Test the delivered version on the isolated data

C.      Test the delivered version on the isolated data

D.      Test all related alternative scenarios to the test case.


F.     Releasing version

A.      Exceptions% should not exceed 5% from overall module issues

B.      Exceptions% should not exceed 5% from overall Client issues

C.      Tracking system issues should not exceed 2 releases without closure

D.      Draft issues should be concluded after two weeks by maximum

PLC12.                  Software quality assurance policy

A.      A function for the QA should take place in order to confirm the implementation of organizational policies, procedures and work products.

B.      Each work product should be reviewed by a higher level in order to reduce deviations to quality attributes.

C.      Quality system should be established and populated

D.      Audit checklist should be followed in order to proceed in audits

E.       Audit points should be defined in planning phase

F.       Source code audit checklist should be generated by TL in order to review the source code against

G.      Source code Audit checklist findings should take place for solve before each iteration delivery

H.      Rework% should be analyzed and resolve root causes strategically

I.         Release should not be incremented without adding the code metrics on tracking system with analyzing all inputs and following QMS guidelines and rules

J.        LOC should not exceed the previous version without RCA, and approval from higher level of technical management level according to the policy

PLC13.                  Communication policy

1.       Methods

1.       Documents: In order to facilitate ease tracking, Issues be kept in predefined documents, and all replies should be kept in the same document, and should be kept under Configuration management tool.

2.      F2F: In order to meet understanding between project stakeholders, Use face to face communication instead of documentation

3.    Core hours for communication between development team and support team will from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM


4.       Email:

1.       Email folders should be created for each internal section [Departments] and external entities [clients], with applying rules for.

2.       Checking mails should be performed at start of date, and end of date in order to highlight issues, plan and prioritize tasks

3.       Mails should be sent only to relevant stakeholders only.

4.       Higher level of management [Only one level] should be informed in the following cases:

1.       Reminders

2.       Conflicts

3.       Escalations

4.       Cross functions communication

5.       between subordinates team leaders.

5.       Periodic meetings/Follow-ups







Daily Start up meeting for teams



·         What finished in each area to support all teams (QC, Support and DEV), like analysis models and final products

·         What not finished

·         Bottle nicks and resolutions


Daily status check and update



·         Start of day

·         Immediate changes


Mail checking



·         Start of the day

·         Mid of day


Iteration review


1 Hr

·         Iteratively




2 Hrs

·         Each Release


Daily Start up meeting for Management



What finished

What not finished

Bottle nicks and resolutions


Operation meetings



What finished

What not finished

Bottle nicks and resolutions


Project Planning


5 D

Plan overall project releases


Release planning


5 D

Plan for release iterations


Iteration planning


2 D

Plan for next iteration


6.       Plans

1.       Communication plan should take place within the project in order to define when different stakeholders communicate, with which media

2.       Identify who will deliver what when to whom and in which media

2.       Responsibilities

1.       Communication between technical teams should be throw TL’s and PM

2.       PM should be in CC in all communications between different teams in case of external projects, otherwise the heads of the teams.

3.       PM is the responsible stakeholder to communicate project issues, status and work products of the projects

3.       Meeting and conference call should take place in the following subjects:

1.       Conflicts issues

2.       Meeting the understanding between different stakeholders

4.       Synchronization for the scope, issues, and change requests is the responsibility for the TL.

5.   PM is the communication gate between external teams and internal teams

6.   Delegation from PM to technical teams can be occurred in case of technical issues, so PM should be presented in CC in these cases


7. Working area policy

·         Keep your mobile in silent or low tone mode

·         Communication between team members should be in private methods, not public methods

·         Working area is not subject for meetings, but meeting rooms

·         Non-business discussions are permitted only in the public area

PLC14.                  Benchmarks





Supported Products Versions

One Version backward compatibility


Supported SQL Version

SQL Server 12


Tracking System History

Should cover only up to 3 releases

PLC15.                  KPI’s

1.     Project KPI








Planned/Actual effort



Rework Effort

QC resolving issues/Planned execution for tasks.



No. Reusable Components

The resulted reusable components

Source code


Impact Of Cost for related Tasks

The saving effort% for the related tasks if no reusable component is created.



Code Metrics

Source code metrics to measure the source code quality

Source code

Tracking system


Code Clones

The similar group of lines within the same modules.

It should take place in refactoring process.

It includes:

1.       Exact Matches

2.       Strong matches

Source code

Tracking system


Quality Metrics

1.       Draft Trend

2.       Approval Trend

3.       Updated Trend

4.       Postponed trend

5.       NMI Trend

6.       Non-Fixed Trend

7.       Exceptions Trend: If exceeded more than 3% for selected product or selected client, then prevent the issuing of version.

Tracking system


2.     Resource KPI







Planned/Actual effort




Actual Effort/ Employee power[2].




Performance% * Utilization



Task Ownership%

1 – (Coaching effort/Task actual effort)




QC resolving issues/Planned execution for tasks.



3.     Units KPI








Planned/Actual effort





Actual Effort/ Employee power[2].





Performance% * Utilization




Task Ownership%

1 – (Coaching effort/Task actual effort)





QC resolving issues/Planned execution for tasks.





Planned/Actual effort




Rework Effort

QC resolving issues/Planned execution for tasks.




No. Of Reusable Components

The resulted reusable components




Impact Of Cost for related Tasks

The saving effort% for the related tasks if no reusable component is created.




Code Metrics

Source code metrics to measure the source code quality




Code Clones

The similar group of lines within the same modules.

It should take place in refactoring process.

It includes:

1.       Exact Matches

2.       Strong matches


PLC16.                  Facilities



Responsible for communication





Food and beverages

Office boys


Financial issues



IT Services

IT Department


PLC17.                  New Comers Policy

a.      Development section

The new comers first week will be allocated for the following:



Duration/ HR


Contract signing and HR introductory session



Setup machine working environment



Read and understand the policy.



Training on the management and engineering tool, Trello, and TFS



Introduction of how to engineer SW project using organization process, Our development lifecycle.



Introduction of how to manage SW project using organization process, Agile Process.



Training on the engineering tool, on EA.



Brief introduction on organization solutions.



Setting the first Iteration plan



Training on Internal System



ERP Concepts



Sample Project for Practice (If Needed)  including unit testing and CI setting definition and application



40+ Hrs


b.     Quality control section



Duration/ HR


Contract signing and HR introductory session



Setup machine working environment



Read and understand the policy.



Training on the management and engineering tool, Trello.



Introduction of how to engineer SW project using organization process, Our development lifecycle.



Introduction of how to manage SW project using organization process, Agile Process.



Training on the engineering tool, on EA.



Brief introduction on organization solutions.



Training on Comsys Structure



Training on Security module



Training On GNR module



Training on selected allocation module for the resource

For example :

AP, AR, e-Commerce.



40+ Hrs


[1] -Helps in understanding the task ownership

Task ownership% = Follow-up Effort/Resource power

[2] -Employee power = No. Working days * 7

[1] -Our reference point is Login screen which includes the following:

·         2 Controls for login and password

·         Each control contains BVR

·         Connection to the backend to check the connection

·         This point = 6 Hours estimation

[2] -Poker technique main characteristics are:

·         Using Points

·         Using sequential numbers like 0,1,2,3,5,8,13, that means each number is the sum of 2 previous numbers, to help decomposing tasks according to its size